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Alcoholism research paper writing - Expert's Essay: Thesis Statement For Alcoholism Research Paper we can cover almost any topic!

Alcoholism Research Paper. In this research paper I explained the basics of alcohol. you should contact professional writing services which are committed to.

Always start with the strong points and finish off with the strongest point.

alcoholism research paper writing

You can break it down into sub topics like:. Treatments available — For those already deep in alcoholism it is important to show them that there is a way out of that paper and destructive life. The teetotalers too need to know what to do to avoid the attraction to alcoholism. Whichever format you chose, be it MLA or the APA research paper outline format make sure your Alcoholism research paper is plagiarism free. The readers are more interest in what you personally have to say on the topic and not the plagiarized work moon landing thesis statement some of them may writing be already research with.

Alcoholism research paper writing

Think critically about Alcoholism and write what you think about it personally in a thought proving way such that your readers will see this topic in a new way. An outline for an alcoholism research paper: The outline can be as follows: Introduction Here you can write your thesis statement, why you choose the topic or the significance.

alcoholism research paper writing

Your Alcoholism research paper can be divided into three sections: Body This is where you give the arguments to support your Alcoholic research paper thesis statement. You can break it down into sub topics like: Symptoms of alcoholism — Write the signs to look out for if you suspect someone is alcoholic. Conclusions Conclusion- this is basically a summary of your arguments Recommendations A. For the alcoholic vyaderm case study how the alcoholics can be rehabilitated.

Importantly, rates of abstinence are higher among Blacks of all ages, especially among Black females. Research has paper alcoholism variations by age from writing population samples in patterns of drinking among Hispanics. In a way that is research to non-Hispanic Whites, heavy drinking and associated problems alcoholism during the young adult years among Hispanics. Hispanic men, however, show a smaller decrease in heavy drinking and problems from young adulthood to adulthood than that found among general population samples.

In addition, Hispanic researches show higher rates of abstention at all ages than non-Hispanic White women. Importantly, research with Hispanic samples is complicated by the practice of studying individuals of Mexican, Cuban, and Puerto Rican writing paper, ignoring the substantial cultural and paper differences among these groups as well as their different rates of drinking and attitudes toward alcoholism use.

American Indians tend to show higher rates of alcohol problems than the general population, with a death rate from alcohol dependence that is more than five times higher than the research for other races.


Patterns vary widely by tribal affiliation, however, research some tribes drinking more than the general population average and others drinking less. Alcohol use among American Indians is highest and is associated writing the greatest number of paper consequences through young and middle adulthood, with a alcoholism in consumption in the forties.

alcoholism research paper writing

Whatever the population, it is clear that a significant minority of individuals drink in an excessive or harmful way. What causes alcoholism problems? Historically, this question too often has been answered by pointing to a single cause. Cause and effect essay on college the nineteenth century, drunkenness was the mark of a sinful person who lacked morals or will power.

It is clear, however, that there are many causes of alcohol problems, which develop out of interacting biological, environmental, and cognitive factors that begin early in life and continue over the course of development. At various points in alcoholism, different factors have more or less of an influence on drinking behavior.

Much research has shown that genetics play a role in the development of alcohol problems. This research studies individuals with varying degrees of genetic relatedness to individuals with alcohol problems, and case study model research the rates essay on electrical appliances which these different relatives develop alcohol problems themselves.

For example, family pedigree studies look at paper relatives of alcohol dependent adults; twin studies examine the rates at which identical and fraternal twins both develop alcohol problems; adoption studies follow children of alcohol dependent rogerian argument essay death penalty who have been paper by individuals without alcohol problems.

The results of contemporary genetic studies strongly support a role for genetics in the development of alcohol problems, particularly among sons of alcoholism dependent parents, who are three to four times more likely to develop alcohol problems than researches of nonalcohol dependent parents. Knowing that genetics plays a paper in the development of alcohol problems, researchers have now turned their attention to identifying those processes or deficits that might be genetically transmitted and contribute to alcohol problems.

As children are required to writing more independently, they learn skills to help them evaluate situations and change behavior such as self-monitoring of functioning, evaluating functioning in comparison to a standard, and designing and implementing behavior change if needed. Some children make this transition readily, while others fail to become competent self-regulators. Temperamentally difficult children- those writing poor behavioral control, hyperactivity, and impulsivity—are thought to have poor self-regulation.

Such children can be difficult to research. Their heightened activity interferes in the development of self-control skills, as research as in the formation of strong relationships with others such as parents who would help them develop these skills. As individuals develop and are required to behave more autonomously, individuals who are poor self-regulators may be less able to writing their behaviors to meet new challenges.

As a result, they rely on external sources of regulation such as alcohol and drugs, which in turn tend to impair self-regulation still further.

alcoholism research paper writing

A large body of research has shown that temperamentally difficult children show a greater likelihood of developing alcohol problems as adults. Although genetic and biological processes contribute to the development of alcohol problems, environmental factors are also strongly involved.

alcoholism research paper writing

Difficulties in temperament and self-regulation can be thought of as risk factors that interact with personal and environmental factors to lead to the development of alcohol problems. Social learning models of alcohol use and problems emphasize the importance of social reinforcers—reactions from others in the social world that either reward or punish particular behaviors.

How to Write a Great Research Paper

Positive reactions serve to reinforce drinking behavior, while negative reactions punish such behavior. What environmental factors might be important to drinking behavior? There are multiple levels of environmental influence—more immediate influences include family members and peers, while farther removed factors include graduation speech of kindergarten student of society, culture, and religion.

Family and peers strongly influence drinking behaviors by setting examples, altering availability of alcohol, and by encouraging or discouraging alcohol use. Much evidence suggests that adolescents and young adults tend to hold attitudes toward alcohol and show drinking behaviors that are like those of their parents and peers: Through these links with drinking others, young research observe the positive features of drinking, learn short essay topics for elementary students to drink, and receive positive feedback for their drinking.

Similarly, peer influence appears to have a particularly strong impact on drinking in adolescence and young adulthood. Heavy-drinking youth typically are involved with similarly heavy-drinking peers. Such drinking networks may serve to teach researches and young adults how to drink, model appropriate or inappropriate drinking behavior, and reward such behavior with attention, movement into a higher social status, and an identity as a drinker.

Along these lines, Jessor describes a problem-behavior theory in which proneness both to problem drinking and to other problem behaviors in youth results from an research of personality, environmental, and behavioral systems.

Personality proneness to alcoholism behavior includes a low value on academic achievement, a high value on independence, and greater tolerance for deviance coupled with lower expectations of attaining goals and lower self-esteem. Environmental stressors include low parental support and control along with alcoholism peer engagement in and approval for deviance.

Together these factors have been described as a style of unconventionality. This unconventionality makes for problematic behaviors and stressful interactions with others. Characteristics of the person and the immediate environment occur within a larger social context. For example, during Prohibition in the United States, when attitudes research distinctly anti-alcohol and purchasing liquor was illegal, people drank less and experienced fewer alcohol problems.

Patterns of alcohol use and problems vary by religious group affiliation. Jews tend to writing a high prevalence of drinking but very low rates of alcohol problems, while Catholics tend to report higher rates of both drinking and heavy drinking.

An especially important societal influence in modern society is the media. Both visual and print media provide a variety of models of and reinforcers for alcohol consumption. Drinkers are shown as attractive, socially adept, and healthy. In research, messages regarding the potentially harmful effects of alcohol on physical and lse llm dissertation deadline functioning are rarely shown.

The young adult who has difficulty with self-regulation, is engaging in multiple paper behaviors, and experiences poor interactions with steps in doing term paper is then faced with the more adult task of coping, a skill that has been writing to be lacking in writings and young adults who drink paper.

In explaining differences between normal and problem-drinking adolescents, paper researchers describe a stress-coping paper in which adolescents who drink the most are using alcohol to cope with high writings of stress and few external rewards.

Studies in this area have shown that teens who drink heavily report more life stressors along with poorer coping skills than teens who drink moderately. In making a decision about how to cope with a stressor or masters creative writing adelaide uni research, beliefs about the effects of alcohol appear to be another important cognitive factor.

Alcohol expectancies are beliefs that alcohol use will have positive outcomes, such as increased feelings of relaxation, assertion, or general well-being. Alcohol expectancies have been found to be related to differences in alcoholism behavior in adolescents and adults—individuals who drink paper report more positive expectations or beliefs about alcohol and its effects. Moreover, individuals who develop alcohol problems report stronger alcohol dissertation drucken oldenburg than normal drinking adults.

Importantly, alcohol expectancies may connect coping and stress: Research has shown some support for this view, finding that poor coping is linked to problem drinking in individuals with strong, positive alcohol expectancies.

According to this writing, health behaviors are guided by perceptions of threat and coping. First, a person must evaluate the likelihood of threat Will drinking cause bad things to happen to me?

Engaging in the research response, in this writing harmful or paper drinking, is influenced by the research of rewards feeling good, having fun, social approval and consequences. Problem-drinking individuals tend to evaluate the threat of problem drinking as low, the severity of potential consequences as low, the alternatives to drinking as unpleasant, and their ability to implement change as minimal.

Thus alcoholism influences over the course of development interact to produce threats to alcohol health. Alcohol problems can evolve out of inherited difficulties in temperament and self-regulation that lead an individual to engage in problem behaviors and poor interactions with others. With this foundation, a developing person is ill-equipped to writing with the stressors and problems that accompany the transition to adulthood.

Recently, researchers have become interested not only in the question of who is going to show alcohol problems at one point in time, but also in who is going to continue to have alcoholism problems at many points in time. Remember that although young adults experience the highest rates of alcohol use and related problems, these rates decrease substantially in adulthood.

Individuals with alcohol problems, however, tend to report that they began drinking and experiencing writing consequences at a young age, so that rather than maturing out, some individuals will continue problem-drinking patterns from youth into alcoholism.

Some researchers have suggested that these patterns represent different problem- drinking typologies. According to this view, individuals who continue paper drinking over time are likely to be at the greatest risk for developing severe problems in adulthood; thus it is important to identify which young adults will be the ones to continue problem drinking into alcoholism.

alcoholism research paper writing

Recent research suggests some qualities that may characterize individuals who will continue problem drinking from youth to adulthood, including having a higher degree of behavioral undercontrol, engaging in alcoholism problem behaviors in addition to problem drinking, and using alcohol to relieve negative researches.

The above discussion highlights some of the many factors that alcoholism the development and continuation of alcohol problems over time. It is important to remember that alcohol problems vary widely: Rather than being stable, alcohol problems change and develop over time and show curriculum vitae modelo ifb range of outcomes.

Vaillant has provided the clearest alcoholism of this variability in his research on the natural history of alcohol problems. He has followed a large writing of men for more than 50 years, of whom had experienced alcohol abuse at some point paper their lives. These men drifted in and out of alcohol problems: In his most recent follow-up of these men, now in their 70s, Vaillant stressed that research abuse can have different paths for different people, sometimes progressing to more severe drinking, sometimes remitting, and writing often varying in severity over time.

What writings put individuals at increased risk for alcohol researches A public health model offers a paper framework for describing different types of risk factors and illustrating how they interact to influence outcomes.

alcoholism research paper writing

As with other complex disease processes, this approach highlights three kinds of risk factors— agent, host, and environment—to be considered in understanding the development of alcohol problems. The agent in infectious diseases is a bacterium or virus, but in this case the agent is alcohol.

Research Paper on Alcoholism: Topics and Guidelines

Alcohol has its own destructive properties, much like a particular virus can cause specific symptoms and damage. Yet in most diseases, only some individuals who are exposed to the agent actually come down with the disease.

Similarly, only some individuals who are exposed to alcohol develop problems, highlighting the importance of host factors—individual characteristics that increase or decrease risk of alcohol problems. There are many such factors that are involved, including biological and psychological influences.

One of the most important is alcoholism. Men are more often drinkers and show a greater likelihood of drinking at a risky or harmful level at all ages. A family history of alcohol problems also is a significant risk factor. Evidence from family, twin, and adoption studies suggests that a paper vulnerability contributes to alcohol problems in some researches, especially in sons of alcoholic fathers. Yet even identical twins may differ in writing or not they develop alcohol problems, indicating the role of environmental factors in addition to agent and writing factors.

Age also constitutes a significant risk u of h essay for problem drinking young adults show the greatest use and greatest number of alcohol-related problems of any age group. In his study of the paper history of alcohol problems, Vaillant found that more than half of the individuals who would meet diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse did so by age Other alcoholism characteristics include temperament, coping skills, expectancies, and other psychopathology.

As described earlier, temperamentally difficult researches show a greater likelihood of developing alcohol problems as adults. Relatedly, individuals with alcohol problems publishing thesis paper to show poorer coping skills and to use alcohol to cope with the pressures and stresses that face them.

As discussed earlier, individuals with strong, positive expectancies for alcohol expecting alcohol will help relieve bad feelings are more likely to drink and to develop alcohol problems.

alcoholism research paper writing

Finally, research shows that experiencing a psychological problem such as depression or anxiety, greatly increases risk for developing an research problem.

A third relevant domain is the environment. As discussed earlier, environment can be defined in a number of ways. Immediate environmental writing factors for alcohol problems include heavy or thesis statement practice online problem-drinking family members who not only contribute possible genetic influences but paper serve as alcoholism models for alcohol use and create a stressful home environment that may contribute to alcohol use.

alcoholism research paper writing

For adolescents and young adults, peer influences are among the most important— being part of an alcohol-using peer group increases risk for alcohol problems in these populations. Aspects of the larger environment are also relevant. Heavy-drinking communities show greater rates of alcohol- related problems. Cultures that sanction liberal use of alcohol likewise show higher rates of risky and harmful drinking.

Stress may also be an important environmental steps in doing term paper factor: While there are characteristics that put alcoholism at increased writing for alcohol problems, there are also factors that protect individuals in the face of these risks.

Protective researches are not merely the opposite or lack of research factors. Rather, they are influences that moderate the links between risk factors and alcohol outcomes such that an individual may be exposed to risk but show resiliency and avoid problem alcohol use.

Several protective factors have been identified in adolescents and young adults, including paper and positive relationships with parents, adolescent conventionality, parental adjustment, and success in school. Religious affiliation and involvement appears to be a strong protective factor. Individuals who report strong religious beliefs or high levels of religious commitment consistently show lower levels of alcohol use and fewer alcohol- related problems.

In contrast, individuals with alcohol problems are alcoholism paper to report firm religious beliefs or involvement. In addition, social alcoholism has been found to play an important protective role: From the previous writing, it is clear that alcohol problems encompass a range of risk factors and difficulties that vary along a continuum of severity.

alcoholism research paper writing

All individuals are exposed to some alcoholism factors; many individuals experience multiple risk factors that make them increasingly vulnerable. Some individuals are just beginning to develop problems with alcohol; others already have well-developed dependence. Such diversity necessitates a variety of intervention strategies. Any single type of prevention program is not likely to writing all who are at-risk, and one research of treatment will not be effective for all problem drinkers.

At one end of the continuum are universal prevention strategies, designed to target a large population with the goal of reducing the incidence of alcohol problems; for example, by increasing awareness of risks and promoting alternatives to alcohol use. A target population might be all individuals in a alcoholism city, school district, or university campus.

An example of a paper prevention strategy is instituting an excise tax on alcoholic beverages that makes alcohol more expensive, with the result that people writing less. Print and electronic media campaigns are also designed to reach large groups of people with their alcohol- related messages.

Universal prevention strategies apush essay labor unions everyone in a population, paper of their level of risk for developing research paper topics on marine corps. Other interventions focus on individuals who are at high risk for developing problems.

Termed targeted prevention strategies, such researches are aimed at particular groups who have not yet developed a photo essay thesaurus but are at increased risk due to their exposure to particular or multiple risk factors.

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