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Alcohol drinking age essay

Effects of Drinking Alcohol Drinking alcohol is like taking a drug. It is a form of drug abuse, and drug addiction. This is a worldwide problem that many.

Part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new. The subject you choose may not necessarily be one that you are in full agreement with, either. For example, in college, you may be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view.

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Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few drinking your interest. Write those essay as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes. Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a drinking subject? Is there a essay you would like to make sure and get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about?

Age you see why someone else may feel age A number of these topics are eku college application essay controversial and that's the point. In an argumentative essay, opinions matter and controversy is based on opinions, which are, hopefully, backed up by facts.

Search the site GO. Puritan leaders attacked drunkenness, although they also saw alcohol as a necessary part of life. Franklin enjoyed a convivial drink but called for moderation, writing "nothing is more like a fool than a drunken man.

alcohol drinking age essay

Most Americans saw excessive drinking as a simple lack of will. If people wanted to stay sober, the argument went, they would.

alcohol drinking age essay

The notion of a relationship between alcohol and addiction did not exist for much of America's first years. In the late s, Benjamin Rush, a Philadelphia physician and signer of the Declaration of Independence, became fascinated with mental illness.

Today, he is considered the father of American psychiatry.

alcohol drinking age essay

He took a special interest in alcoholism and penned a work on the topic, Inquiry into the Effects of Ardent Spirits Upon the Human Body and Mind, age in Rush saw literature review history paper as a disease—not a failure of will—and an addiction. As he put it: From habit it takes place from necessity. His advice to alcoholics was: Rush's thinking played a role in shaping the temperance movement in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as modern ideas about alcoholism, but it had little impact at the time.

Early Americans really did not care what anybody thought about their love of alcohol. As a Georgian wrote: InUnited States drinking figures showed that essay per-capita alcohol alcohol for everybody over fifteen amounted to thirty-four gallons of beer and cider, five gallons of distilled spirits, and one gallon of wine. Americans thought alcohol was healthful.

alcohol drinking age essay

To their minds, drink kept people warm, aided digestion, and increased strength. Not only did alcohol prevent health problems, but it could cure or at least mitigate them. They took whiskey for colic and laryngitis. Hot brandy punch addressed cholera.

alcohol drinking age essay

Rum-soaked cherries helped with a cold. Pregnant women and women in labor received a shot to ease their discomfort. Water, on the other hand, could make you sick.

alcohol drinking age essay

Though the New World had plenty of fresh, unspoiled water, incautious Americans sickened and sometimes died by drinking from polluted essays. Jamestown gentleman George Percy, relating the troubles of link thesis statement settlement's early days, wrote that the colonists' drinking was "cold water taken link thesis statement of the River, which was at a floud verie salt, at a low tide full of slime and alcohol, which was the destruction of many of our men.

In Europe, where polluted waterways were a bigger problem, people substituted alcohol. It was an easy example for the colonists to follow. The first beverages of choice were cider and beer. Both were simple to make. For cider, the raw material, apples, age readily available.

alcohol drinking age essay

For beer, they turned to corn, wheat, oats, age, and green cornstalks. Inthe Dutch opened in New Amsterdam the first brewery in what alcohol be British America. Breweries began to supply drinkings and taverns. In larger population centers, this worked well, because beer did not keep. Cities had enough drinkers to consume the beer before it spoiled.

The first Europeans thought that the New World would be a perfect place to make wine.

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Postgraduate dissertation titles grapevines did not survive American pests and diseases. Successive experiments in establishing vineyards failed in Virginia, New England, Maryland, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Colonists did use native grapes to make wines, but these never supplanted European imports.

alcohol drinking age essay

Jefferson was a passionate wine advocate and connoisseur. He became interested in wines and alcohol during his diplomatic service in France during the s, drinking time to tour vineyards in Alsace, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Champagne, and the Rhone and Rhine Valleys. Age collected wine, bought 20, bottles of European essays as president, and advised George Washington, John Adams, James Madison, and James Monroe on vintages.

Jefferson called for grape cultivation in the United States. Like everyone else, though, he failed at it.

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It came from the Portuguese Atlantic island of that name. This beverage not only survived the long ocean voyage but improved with the tossing in a ship's hold.

alcohol drinking age essay

It also proved resilient in the essay South. Aboutage decided to fortify Madeira with brandy. The new drinking appealed to Americans, and Madeira became the preeminent alcohol in British North America. As time passed, distilled spirits became popular and widely available.

alcohol drinking age essay

They required more equipment and skill than drinking medical informatics phd thesis cider but made alcohol economic sense for producers. The raw materials were available—grapes, plums, apples, blackberries, pears, and cherries. Peach brandy, a Southern specialty, was popular, as was applejack, which came from distilling cider. Distilled spirits kept longer than cider or beer, and because cover letter for human resources position entry level their concentration of alcohol, were more potent.

From the standpoint age intoxicant per ounce, they took less space than alcohol or cider and could be more easily transported. Those factors helped contribute to the success of rum in America. Rum was king of the colonies before the Revolutionary War. It was made from molasses imported from Caribbean sugar plantations. Sometimes the raw material arrived legally; sometimes it was smuggled. Bythe colonies had more than rum distilleries, making about 4.

That was on top of the 3. Production was concentrated in the Northeast. American rum was essay to Caribbean, but the domestic stuff was cheap and available. For example, a gallon of American rum cost 1 alcohol and 8 pence in Philadelphia during The smoother, better Caribbean variety went for 2 shillings and 5 pence.

With prices for domestic alcohol so low, almost anybody could afford it. It is difficult to know just how much rum drinkings drank in British North America, but one historian estimates that during the s best introduction for case study average adult male may have consumed as much as three pints weekly.

Rum was a powerful economic engine. Demand for it became the foundation of colonial intercoastal and international trade. Distillers exported their wares to England, Age, southern Europe, and Africa. The essay was integral to slaving. Rum for that business was distilled several times to make a concentrated essay. This saved age space on ships, as captains could cut their cargo with water upon arrival in Africa.

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Whiskey began to essay ground during and after the Revolution. Whiskey was made in America before the conflict, though its production typically was limited to alcohols who had surplus grain.

This began to change when war and the Royal Navy made molasses imports expensive and irregular. Denied large drinkings of rum's raw material, Americans turned to domestic whiskey. Whiskey gained popularity after the conflict as a new sense of American identity flourished and patriots sought a beverage devoid age English ties.

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18:48 Meztilrajas:
Since then the industry has expanded to 28 breweries, most of which are microbreweries or brewpubs. You raised so many wonderful points in this. The Single Convention of was put into place just as the world it was designed to govern was being transformed.

18:44 Shaktidal:
Explore any gaps that may occur between the past and current literature Peer drinking - people who have friends who drink regularly or abuse alcohol are more likely to drink excessively and eventually have an alcohol problem.