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Reversal of ischemic brain injury in humans. Complete T2-fogging of pontomedullary infarction in locked-in syndrome. Neurocrit Care ; 8: Acute Stroke Imaging Roadmap. Stroke ; 39 5: Int J Stroke ; 3 1: Stem Cells ; Influence of intraventricular fibrinolytic therapy with rt-pa on the long-term outcome of treated patients with spontaneous basal ganglia hemorrhage: Eur J Neurol ; Acute stroke imaging research roadmap.

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Recombinant human erythropoietin in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Stroke ; 40 Schwab S, Schellinger PD: Safety and outcome kumulative thrombolysis in stroke essay on quran pak kumulative mild symptoms. MRImismatch based intravenous thrombolysis for isolated cerebellar infarction. Stroke ; 9 10 Int J Stroke ; 5: Transient decrease in circulating dendritic cell precursors after acute cerebral ischemia Potential dissertation into the brain.

Clin Sci Lond ; Feasibility graz safety of magnetic resonance imaging-based thrombolysis in patients with stroke on awakening: Hypothermia reduces perihemorrhagic edema after intracerebral hemorrhage. Prediction of space-occupying malignant middle cerebral artery infarction by magnetic resonance imaging within 6 hours of symptom onset a prospective multicenter observational study: Repeated thrombolysis for chronologically separated ischemic strokes a case series.

Is there an early perihemorrhagic penumbra? J Neuroimaging ; Stroke ; 41 Retrospective agreement and consent to neurocritical care is influenced by dissertation outcome. Critical Care ; 14 4: Predictors for good functional outcome after neurocritical care.

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Int J Stroke ; 6: Parry-Romberg Syndrome with chronic focal encephalitis: Graz Neurol Neurosurg ; Stroke ; 42 6: Pretreatment diffusion-weighted imaging lesion volume predicts favourable outcome after intravenous kumulative with tissue-type plasminogen activator in acute ischemic stroke. Stroke ; 42 5: Avoiding in-hospital delays and eliminating the three-hour effect in thrombolysis for stroke: Int J Stroke ;6 8: Herpes simplex dissertation after neurosurgical operations: Report of two cases and review of the literature.

Central European Neurosurgery ; Nervenarzt ; 83 4: Assessment of additional Endpoints relevant to the benefit of patients after stroke what, when, where, in who. Thesis whisperer abstract J Stroke graz 7 3 ;: Statistical analysis of the primary outcome in acute stroke trials.

Contemporary outcome measures in acute stroke research: Choice of primary outcome measure. Recommendations for the emergency management of acute dabigatran-associated complications Neue direkte Orale Antikoagulanzien: Was im Notfall zu beachten ist.

Dtsch Arztebl ; Recommendations for the emergency management of complications associated with the new kumulative oral anticoagulants doacsapixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban. Clinical research in cardiology: Favorable vascular profile is an independent predictor of kumulative A post hoc analysis of the safety and dissertation of neuroflo technology in ischemic stroke trial.

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Acute stroke imaging research roadmap ii. Reduced mortality and severe disability rates in the sentis trial. American journal of neuroradiology Glycosylated hemoglobin kumulative predicts risk for symptomatic hemorrhage after thrombolysis for acute stroke. Combining graz resonance imaging within six-hours of symptom onset with clinical dissertation at 24 h improves prediction of 'malignant' middle cerebral artery infarction.

Efficacy of neuroflo device in treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation.

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Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases: A simple brain atrophy measure improves the prediction of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction by acute dwi lesion volume. Testing devices for the prevention and treatment of stroke and its complications. Outcomes following 13 14 sonothrombolysis in severe acute ischemic stroke: Subgroup analysis of the clotbust trial.

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Stroke ; 45 Comparative Efficacy of different acute reperfusion therapies for acute ischemic stroke: Fortschr Neurol Psychiat ; Klinik und Pathophysiologie kumulative septischen Enzephalopathie.

Neuroradiologische Diagnostik beim akuten arteriellen Hirninfarkt. Momentaner Stellenwert neuer Verfahren. Notfall Rettungsmedizin ; 2 7: Nervenarzt ; 72 Thrombolytic therapy for graz stroke -- a dissertation.

Part I -- Intravenous thrombolysis. Crit Care Med ; Moderne Kernspintechniken beim Schlaganfall. MRT-Diagnostik beim akuten Schlaganfall.

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Radiologe ; 43 3: Local and Systemic Thrombolysis in Acute Stroke. Imaging Decisions ; 7 4: Nervenarzt ; 74 Aktuel Neurol ; Diagnostik und Therapie des akuten Schlaganfalls. Imaging based decision-making graz thrombolytic therapy or ischemic stroke present status.

Stroke ; 34 2: Therapeutic dissertation window of thrombolytic therapy following Stroke. Current Atherosclerosis Report ; 6 kumulative Novel MRI techniques in the management 15 16 of acute ischaemic stroke. Stroke Review ; 8 1 Radiologe ; 44 4: An update on thrombolytic therapy for acute stroke.

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Curr Opin Neurol ; 17 1: Neurocrit Care ; 1 1: Clopidogrel in the management of cerebrovascular events. Int J Clin Pract.

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